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Главная » Файлы » Программы для Windows » Мультимедиа и графика

Panopticum Fire v3.32 - Plug-Ins for Adobe Photoshop
[ · Скачать удаленно (710Kb) ] 19-Августа-2006, 09:48:58

Panopticum Fire III v.3.32 - is an add-on module for Adobe Photoshop (7.0 and earlier), and also for plugins Adobe Photoshop compatibles, such as Corel Photo Paint and Paint Shop Pro.
Panopticum Fire III v.3.32 is a unique and impressive tool with which creation fire becomes easy. One of the most compelling features of our module is that flame is not simply created on the basis of system of particles, but that it consists of very lively fiery tongues. These tongues meander and change as if they were alive. This displays fascinating and mesmeric play of light and shadows of fire on the screen.
Panopticum Fire III lets not only set on fire different objects of your composi-tion, but also helps the designer obtain various fiery transition effects. That is when a whole layer or some opaque objects burn down, being set on fire at the edge or from the center. At the same time the image becomes charred before burning down. Fire III is a powerful mean with the help of which you can make various types of flame.
DownLoad Panopticum Fire v.3.32 Plug-In for Adobe Photoshop. [Here]. + KeyGen. 710Kb.
Категория: Мультимедиа и графика | Добавил: WASP
Просмотров: 1111 | Загрузок: 467 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всего комментариев: 1
1 from tulip  
Dear sir,
it's so impressive but im having some difficulties its using
please only tell me that how should be that applied.

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